Improving Candidate Experience Using Automation

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As the competition for quality talent gets stiffer, the focus now shifts from employers to candidates. A study found that 68 percent of candidates think the way they are treated in the hiring process is a reflection of the company’s treatment of its employees. But, only 46 percent of applicants believe employers give them the same respect and accountability as the current employees.

With many companies turning to automation in their recruitment processes, here are ways to use technology to improve overall candidate experience.

Provide quick responses

Candidates will most likely be applying for a number of companies in their job hunt. When applying for a job, 55 percent of candidates will forfeit their slot and move on if they haven’t heard from an employer within two weeks of applying.

Oftentimes, job seekers want instant access to information, as well as real-time feedback. Chatbots and virtual assistants can be helpful in providing speedy answers to their queries. According to a study by Allegis Global Solutions, 57 percent of candidates are comfortable in interacting with AI applications when answering initial questions during the application process. Likewise, the majority of candidates feel comfortable interacting with AI bots during the scheduling and interview preparation processes.

Virtual assistants can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) such as the availability of the position in a certain city, or potential interview dates.

Set clear expectations

As an applicant, one of the worst feelings is applying to a job and being left uncertain of what happens next. Careerbuilder said only 47 percent of candidates feel that recruiters set clear expectations at the beginning of the hiring process.

In each step of the hiring process, let the candidates know what will happen next and when they’ll hear from the recruiter. Eighty-two percent of applicants expect employers to provide a clear timeline for the hiring process.

Provide them with a progress tracker which updates automatically once a step is completed. This way, employers can also ensure transparency between them and the applicants.

Communicate promptly

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Careerbuilder said consistent updates leave up to 67 percent of job seekers with a positive impression. The best recruiters provide applicants with constant communication – whether the news is good, bad or ugly.

Recruiters must send candidates a basic application confirmation email at the onset of their application. There are many applications that let recruiters compose automated emails. Just remember that automated emails don’t have to be dull and weak. It should be informative and encouraging. Also, send follow-up emails to applicants so they remain interested in the company regardless of the outcome of their application.

Tailor application processes

Thanks to automated recruitment processes, recruitment managers can save time screening through hundreds of resumes. Application Tracking Systems (ATS) act as gatekeepers that receive, store, search and rank resumes. They use algorithms to make split-second decisions on whether to accept or reject applications. It’s reported that over 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS of any kind.

Shortlisting quality applicants at the earliest possible time will allow recruiters to stop wasting time on unfit applicants. They can focus on a select promising few, giving them more care and attention.

Recruitment technology continues to evolve. Recruiters must take advantage of automation to hire the best applicants and provide them with the best candidate experience possible.

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