Your Guide in Creating the Perfect Nursery for Your Baby

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Designing the room of your soon-to-be baby is a joyous experience. From choosing the perfect color for the walls to buying furniture, preparing your child’s nursery is not just a task but a perfect bonding opportunity for you and your partner.

If you are currently in the process of decorating the nursery but quite unsure what to put inside the room, here is a guide that can help you make the best nursery for that little bundle of joy who’s about to join your family soon.

Choose A Color Palette

Blue and pink used to be the most used colors in a nursery but today, there are other color palettes that are suitable for a baby’s bedroom. There are many components that could affect your decision when it comes to choosing the right color. First is the size and structure of the room. Is it big or small? In general, dark colors or hues can make the room look small while light colors make the room appear bigger.

Even if you are preparing this room a few months before the baby comes home, it is best to choose a type of paint that’s safe for your little one. First of all, the paint should be clearly labeled as ‘non-toxic’ or doesn’t have volatile organic compounds or VOC. Water-based paints are the most common type of non-toxic paint that you’ll see in most hardware stores. It is primarily made of water and does not give off a strong chemical odor.

In addition to paint, an accent wall with your baby’s photo is also a good design for that bare wall. You can hire professional fashion photo retouching services and let them help you beautifully document your baby’s milestones.

Make Sure there is Proper Lighting

Once you have chosen the color palette, the next thing for you to do is to make sure that the room is properly lighted. If there are windows then the room will have natural light during daytime if none, you can begin by using accent furniture with light colors because they make the room look brighter. At the same time, you need to make sure that you keep the room cool and dark from 10 am to 4 pm to prevent your baby from waking up during a nap.

Another way for you to ensure proper lighting is to install a dimmer switch. This will allow you to control the amount of light within the room at any given time. You also need to make sure that the brightest light is not positioned directly to your baby’s face because it can hurt her eyes. Instead of having just one main source of light, you can opt to install several lights all over the room for equal light distribution.

baby sleeping

Invest in a Good Baby Monitor

Baby monitors have improved over the years and some boast advanced features. Once you hit the market, there will be a wide selection of baby monitors waiting for you and to be able to choose properly, you need to ask yourself a few questions first. Do I need an audio or video monitor? Do I want a unit that can monitor my baby’s heart rate and oxygen temperature? Do I need one that can monitor the room temperature? Is it budget-friendly or am I willing to invest in a pricier unit?

Answering those questions will significantly help you narrow down the search. Generally speaking, there are three major classifications of baby monitor:

  • Audio Baby Monitor – The most common type of baby monitor. It transmits sound from the baby’s room to the receiver near you
  • Video-Audio Monitor – features a portable camera that allows you to hear and see your baby at the same time. Some units are fully capable of recording a whole night while others boast a night-vision feature.
  • Baby Vitals Monitor – These are top-of-the-line monitors that are equipped with sensors that can track your baby’s heart rate, breathing, and movement.

When it comes to powering the baby monitor, most units use batteries. This is ideal for parents that don’t like seeing a lot of wires or cords. If you prefer a battery-operated monitor, make sure that it has a low-battery indicator. Other monitors nowadays rely on WiFi. You can connect these units to your smartphone which allows you to keep track of your baby’s activities wherever you go.

Bring In the Furniture

There is furniture that is designed specifically for nurseries. Aside from the aesthetic, these fixtures also serve a purpose that would benefit both the mother and the baby. The first thing on your checklist should be a crib because it is the safest place where your newborn will sleep and rest.

You would also need a changing table and a cabinet or chest where you can put all your baby’s clothes. If you have enough space, you can also add separate storage near the changing table for diapers, wet wipes, and other stuff that you would use to clean up your baby.

Designing a nursery is an act that is personal and significant to all parents. It doesn’t just exhibit your ideas, it also serves as proof of your love and attention. After all, you’ve put so much time and effort into making the perfect nursery for the most special person in your life.

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