4 SEO Marketing Tips for Accounting Firms

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Did you know that 93% of online activities start with a search engine? That means you cannot afford to ignore how high or low you appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is the process of enhancing a site’s visibility to help it rank better during online searches. For your accounting firm’s site to rank highly on the search engine results, you need to implement effective SEO strategies.

SEO for accounting firms can be tricky since there are a lot of competing companies. Here are a few things to help your get ahead.

Concentrate on Long-Tail Keywords

It’s important to think about the keywords that people use to search for information. That’s also what search engines use to provide results. And it is what is partly responsible for bringing in organic traffic, which is the cornerstone of SEO marketing.

But when you choose keywords, you need to pay more attention to the long-tail keywords. These are the phrases that contain many words that people use to search for what they need. They are much more difficult to include naturally within the content. But they will allow you to rank higher if used correctly. That’s because there is less competition when it comes to ranking for these words.

Write for Human Beings

Google has gotten stricter over the last few years when it comes to what it considers acceptable content. It was once acceptable for people to create low-quality content that was stuffed with the relevant keywords. But that’s not the case now.

People want to see useful content that answers their questions. And the more relevant your content is, the more widely it would be shared. That will enable Google’s algorithms to prioritize your content in the long term, making it rank higher during searches.

So, always ensure that your content is written for the real world internet users. They are the ones that will read it and pay for any products or services you advertise. You make them happy with your optimized content and Google will rank your site higher.

Use Video as Part of Your Content

Research shows that by 2021, videos will account for 82% of all search traffic. The reality is that people love to watch videos. They engage multiple senses and are, therefore, much easier for the brain to process and remember.

So, ensure that you create videos to go along with the rest of your content. Alternatively, you can make a video the main content and provide introductory text to give people an idea of what you intend to communicate. The more videos you have, the more visible your accounting business site would be online. And that would boost your organic traffic and help expand your customer base.

Implement Link Building

The goal of SEO is not only to attract internet users to your site from search engines and other sites but to also retain their attention for as long as possible. The longer they interact with your content, the more likely they are to buy. For that reason, you need to build links.

When building links, you need to ensure that you link relevant site pages to each other. Everything should be intentionally done. The goal is to enable your visitors to find additional information that is useful to them based on the search keywords they used to get to your site. So, use the right anchor texts to indicate where they can link to.

Also, do not be afraid to link to authoritative sites that discuss the subject matter you have mentioned on your business site. When you do that, you provide added benefits to the reader and boost your site’s reputation. Better reputation means you get more visibility in the long run.

Get Help from Experts

Expert Accountant

SEO is a necessary aspect of marketing for accounting firms and all other types of businesses regardless of the size. Digital marketing companies may be better equipped, however, to provide you with the SEO help that you need. The best thing about them is they offer expert help while allowing you to concentrate on your core business operations.

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