Should Minimalist Web Designs Go?

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Minimalism is more than just a trend that popped in the 2010s, in the era of social media’s peak. It actually began as a western movement in the 20th century, at the time when modern materials such as glass and steel started being used in architecture. The phrase “less is more” was also popularized back then, and it came from German Architect, Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, who was one of the pioneers of the minimalist movement.

Over time, minimalism broke into fashion, interior design, lifestyle, and of course, web design. A lot of designers promote it, influencing the public to embrace it as an aesthetic that promotes simplicity and usability. As such, old brand logos were altered to adopt a sleeker look, and new brands emerge with “naked” logos and neutral colors. Their websites are designed with muted tones as well, and with sans serif texts and minimal decorative features.

But now that a multitude of brands are using minimalist designs, should you also join in, or is it time to bring back louder and bolder design elements?

Why People Love a Minimalist Web Design

Before deciding to deviate from minimalism, let’s first find out why people fell in love with it.

Users are more attracted to simple web designs because it makes them more aware of its usability. They tend to favor designs that highlight the necessary components and forego distracting elements. Despite the fewer components, a minimalist web design still offers a higher user engagement, user-friendliness, and aesthetic appeal.

Take Google’s homepage as an example. It’s purposely designed around its central search function, but the branding became even more prominent.

In fashion, minimalism was patronized because it encouraged thriftiness. The same goes for interior design, but eco-friendliness and a clutter-free space are added to the benefits. Simply put, whether in web design, fashion, or interior design, minimalism promoted the importance of function over aesthetics.

The Negative Feedback

Of course, not all people are drawn to minimalism. Contrary to the thriftiness it promotes, it isn’t actually fit for low-income earners. That’s because minimalism is more expensive than it appears. As a lifestyle, it requires throwing away a lot of useful things just to save space. People are also no stranger to the fact that minimalist furniture are expensive. High-end makeup and skincare brands with minimalist visuals are, needless to say, too pricey as well.

In web design, though, minimalism is thriving. But if you’re considering a branding style that involves bolder design elements, then coming up with an appealing web design for your e-commerce shop can be tricky.

Should You Have a “Maximalist” Web Design Then?

Developer drawing website draft

The answer to that must depend on what your target market prefers. Maximalism, the opposite of minimalism, circles around the motto “more is more”; hence, it isn’t afraid of bold colors, patterns, and adornments.

Maximalism encourages people to embrace their true selves. It urges people to stand out, rather to blend in, like what minimalism promotes. As such, it’s quite fitting in today’s political climate, where equality is fought for every day. In a way, maximalism inspires people to fully express who they are.

Therefore, if your target market consists of people who overcame their fears of being unaccepted, then perhaps, a maximalist web design is a right branding approach for you. As you visualize your ideal web design, be sure to avail high-quality web design services. Experienced design professionals will be essential in your web strategies, as they are experts in driving traffic and implementing highly engaging content.

Minimalism may be here to stay, but as more maximalist brands emerge, people will slowly start to find the beauty in bolder aesthetics again.

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