The Role of Influencers in Marketing

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Before the digital age, businesses relied on artists to endorse their products and services to the public. It’s a foolproof way of encouraging the public to buy or avail of their products, which many companies still practice today. Now that we’re in the digital age, businesses use influencers to promote their products and services. Influencers are usually active on social media, at which the millennials and the gen Zs are also active.

The reason why people trust or follow influencers is that they embody the lifestyle they want. This phenomenon is called influencer marketing. If an influencer promotes a clothing brand, their followers are more likely to buy that clothing to be like that influencer. It all comes down to social acceptance.

The digital age is why digital marketing exists and why some companies are now offering digital marketing services. They specialize in digital marketing tactics that make your company more appealing online. With that in mind, here are a few reasons companies connect with influencers to market their products and services:

They’re Closer to the Audience

Influencers regularly document the everyday happenings of their lives. This makes you feel like you are a part of their lives. You may have heard of “A Day in My Life” vlogs where they take you with them as they go about their day. These vlogs cover the time they wake up, when they do errands, and down to the time when they’re about to go to sleep. Watching the video makes it feel personal because it feels like you are with them.

This is what differentiates them from the prominent artists or the regular endorsers of products and services. The viewers have formed some bonds through their vlogs. They are more likely to emulate whatever is appealing about that influencer. This bond is not the same with the most famous artists. This is not to say that artists are not effective endorsers; as a matter of fact, they are. It’s just that this proves why influencers have the power to influence despite not being prominent public figures like mainstream media artists.


They Create Communities

Influencers create communities online by interacting with their followers regularly. They converse with their followers in the comments section, increasing their engagement per post. Engagement can increase as twice as the regular if the post is informational or when the post is something that the followers can relate to, e.g., social issues, personal struggles, etc. It creates a community of togetherness and understanding even though the whole interaction is online.

They Are Constantly Present

Unlike the biggest artists, influencers are almost always present online. You can see them posting every day and updating their stories with whatever they are busy with. It keeps the engagement ongoing because it keeps their followers on the edge of their seats. Their habit of posting every day is good for your business because you know that it reaches the target audience.

From what you can notice among influencers nowadays is that they belong to the millennials and gen Zs. They are the generation who are tech-savvy and up-to-date with the latest trends. They are always on their phones, tablets, and whatever gadget they can get their hands to because social media has become an integral part of their lives. They don’t want to be behind the latest trends because they would feel like outcasts that way. Businesses use this opportunity to showcase what they offer.

A few years into this digital era, people have seen social media influencers promoting different brands to their followers. A lot of companies have adopted this technique because they have seen its effectiveness. Influencers have a closer bond to their followers compared to big-time artists. This is what makes influencers really effective in promoting the brand.

They Hold Themselves Accountable

Influencers have a social responsibility to their followers to be truthful. Without them knowing it, their followers mirror their behavior and the products that these influencers promote. And if they’re not careful, they might set a bad example for their young followers. Influencers should not accept endorsements if they wouldn’t use them personally or it’s against their principles. What endorsements they take should be in line with their values and principles. If they have to compromise it, then there is a good chance it won’t be good for the followers to purchase. Influencers must always set an excellent example for their followers all the time.

Many businesses have to adapt to digital marketing because their competitors are starting to do it too. If they don’t do it, then they will be left behind. Adaptability to change is a continuous requirement for all businesses. And to be seen in the online space, companies must do what they can and reach out to influencers. That way, they have someone with a community who shares a bond with that community and holds themselves accountable for their actions.

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