Coping with the Death of a Loved One in 10 Ways

two people holding hands while in a funeral
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It’s easy to say that everything will be alright, but for people who experience loss through death, it has a different meaning.

There are many ways people cope with grief. Some already grieve while their loved ones are suffering from an incurable disease, while there are people who begin with the grieving process after their loved one is gone for quite some time. While some are ready and buy prepaid funeral arrangements for their loved ones, others still need time to accept the fact.

The big question is: “How do you cope with grief?”

1. The road to recovery will never be easy. You might still be sad even after a few years have gone by. Acceptance and moving on varies from person to person. But, it’s common that after a year has passed, most grieving people feel better.

2. To cope, find someone you are comfortable talking to. Rely on friends and close family members. Talk to them about how you’re feeling to begin the healing process, and it doesn’t have to quick.

3. Allow yourself to go through your emotions. It’s not a crime to be sad. The more you embrace it, the sooner you will be free from its torment. Feeling sadness is part of the healing process, too.

4. You may feel sluggish and unable to do your usual chores. That’s understandable because you’re going through something. During this time, do simpler tasks. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember that healing takes time.

5. Sleep is something you’ll have a hard time on; you may sleep too much because of your grief or not sleep at all. Don’t let this happen for a long time, though. Consult a professional when you have trouble sleeping.

person holding a plate with vegetables6. Don’t munch on junk food even if you’re tempted. Stress-eating is real, especially during this time. Eat fruits and vegetables instead. Eat other healthy food as well, such as lean meat, fish, grains, and fiber.

7. Don’t drink alcohol to numb the pain. Doing so will only cause havoc in your life. Feeling pain from a loss is something that can drive a person to madness, but alcohol is never the answer. Fight the temptation if you must.

8. One thing you might need is counselling. A trained counsellor can help you seek ways to work out how you’re feeling. Don’t force yourself if you’re not up for it, but if you can, going there could help tremendously.

9. How do you know if you need help? You need help if coping is becoming too much for you. Your emotions will be so affected that you can’t function well with your daily life. Another thing is when you’re not sleeping well and you’re becoming depressed or anxious.

10. It’s time to see a doctor when your anxiety and depression is taking a toll on your relationships. Another one is when you begin to have sexual problems.

Don’t be scared to see a GP if everything is starting to become a burden. Ask for advice so you can be referred to a counsellor. Your GP will know how to proceed. Remember that one day you’ll feel better in spite of everything. Hold on to that hope.

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